Sunday, December 18, 2016

I haven't updated in forever....

Hello cousins,

I'm still here! I just haven't updated this blog in forever. I started this blog when I first started working on genealogy as a way to help me work through some questions I had. I then took a very long break from genealogy. I am back into it now, but I don't know if I'll have time to update this blog anymore.  I won't rule it out but I just don't have time for it now.

If you need to contact me for anything genealogy related, feel free to post a comment. Or, I'm over at as melody27888. You can find me there. I have since done a lot of work on the tree! It's so fun to read my past posts when I was a genealogy newbie. :) In addition to the ongoing hunt for more ancestors, I'm now in the process of trying to verify my info, as when I first started, I copied a lot of info from other trees I found. Sometimes I do find errors. I'm also trying to compile all of my genealogy info together so I'll have a nicer presentation when I go to family reunions.

Oh, and I've also done my ancestry dna, so if anyone is interested in that or has questions about it, let me know! My mother did the test as well, and she is 100% Nash County (Her parents are both from there. My dad was from NY so I had some additional results). But if you're interested in Nash County and especially the surnames mentioned in this blog, you'll probably mostly have Great Britain and Europe West in your results. Perhaps even a little bit of Scandinavia and Ireland too. Or maybe even a trace of Native American as well. :)

Happy ancestor hunting, everyone!


Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Back to researching...

So I was going to take a short break from my genealogy research, but it turned out to be a much longer break than I had planned! I sort of lost interest in it for a while or didn't really have time to devote to it, but recently I've been wanting to get back into my research and over this past weekend, I made a few more discoveries that sucked me back in! I think some time away actually did me some good. I had hit several brick walls which prompted me to take a break in the first place, but once I came back, there seemed to be a lot more information out there than before.

Here are the highlights of what I have discovered:

1) Eason - I have finally found out who Annice/Annis Eason's parents are thanks to someone over at Their names are William Eason and Dinah Deans! I've been searching for a while for information on Annice but hit a brick wall. Glad to finally go back another generation! Also, I had speculated in the past about Elizar Tryan being Phoebe Eason's father. I believe that this is indeed true because I know Phoebe was born in 1831 and according to those Nash County records, Elizar was to pay Annice to support her child in really, who else could it be?

2) Barnes - I have finally found out the names of Elizabeth Barnes' parents! (thanks to another member at Jacob Barnes and Mourning Joiner. I have been trying it seems like ever since I started my research to find out who her parents were!

3) Land - I had speculated about the Land family going back, Charles Land, Curtis Land, etc. and I do believe this to be true now. In fact, I have traced the Land family all the way back to England! This is very exciting! Now I have at least two members in my tree who I can trace back to England but the Land family is a lot closer in my line than the Batchelor line. So yes, all very exciting.

3) Daughtridge/Wells - Thanks to another member at, I now have identified John Daughtridge's father as being, in fact, James Daughtridge! I have also found out his father is William Daughtridge! Also, speaking of Daughtridge, I have identified James Daughtridge's wife as Martha Wells and have made some progress in that line as well.

4) Joyner/Fairless - Made progress on Harriet Fairless, Weaks Parker's wife. Couldn't find her parents for a long time and then I realized that Fairless is NOT her maiden name. It's actually Joyner. She was married once before Weaks. I have now been able to trace her line back a little more!

All in all, it was a very productive weekend in regards to my genealogy research. Sophia Braswell Daughtridge's father is still somewhat of a mystery, although all of my research does point to an Issac Braswell being her father so I'm going to go with that and see where it leads next. I also believe that her mother was named Susan Land (would make sense...her daughter is named Susan as well...) and that perhaps Sally could possibly be a nickname or maybe even a middle name.

That's it for now, but hopefully I'll have more updates soon! Feel free to leave me a comment if you're researching some of these same families and maybe we can help each other out.

Monday, January 7, 2008

taking a short break...

I haven't updated my blog in a while. Between the holidays and being sick with a nasty cold, I just haven't had the time or the energy. I'm going to take a short break with genealogy for a while, but if you've stumbled across my journal and are researching the same surnames or ancestors, feel free to leave me a comment.

be back soon :)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Daughtridge and Bone: new information

I have some new info on Daughtridge and Bone...not much but it helps.

One question I have partially answered is when Sophia died. I figured it had to be before 1893 because her son Columbus named his daughter Sophia, so I figure he named her after his mother. His daughter was born in 1893. Well I just found out today that Sophia's land was divided up between her heirs on 19 Aug 1885, so that tells me that she probably died a few months before then. I got that information from a copy in the Nash County deed book.

I also got some cemetery information from a book at the library. It has a list of everyone in the Haywood Bone cemetery. I didn't take notes the last time I was up there so I didn't remember everyone who was buried there or what the dates were. It says Susan Bone died in 1895, which answers another question. I knew it had to be after 1893 but before 1900. But it also says that she was born in 1853, but I don't think that's right. I have Susan in the 1850 census and she's a year old, which puts her birth at 1849. So just goes to show you that the grave markers are not always correct. (Like della's) She wouldn't have been in the 1850 census if she was born in 1853.

I also have some information on Willie Daughtridge. My sister printed off a list of battles that his regiment (32nd infantry) fought in. I've also been doing some research on Elmira Prison in NY, which is the prison Willie died in during the civil war. Apparently from what I have read, Elmira was one of the WORST prisons during the war. And it was especially hard for the boys from the south b/c they were not used to harsh winters and they often had little clothing. Disease was widespread and they were also malnourished as the prison didn't give them much to eat. That's so horrible! What a horrible way to die. I read that the prisoners who died there were buried in Woodlawn Cemetery (I think that's the name, I'll have to go back and check that) but I did a search and I couldn't find Willie's name. Maybe they misspelled it.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Pridgen Family

This weekend, I think I'll be working on my Pridgen line. So far, I've done my best to identify all of the children and wives of John Hardy, and I've identified several children of Alexander and Phoebe.

Next up is Patrick Henry, Jesse, Drewery, and William Pridgen.

I was lucky enough to find a copy of Jesse, Drew, and Wm's wills on the genweb site. This will help me verify who their children were. I've also printed off some info from the internet that I'll use.

I think after I work on the Pridgen line, I'll go back to the Bone line and work some more. There's a really great book online that I found about the Bone family, and I think if I search it some more, I can find some very useful information about who the rest of the Bone children were.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Daughtridge children cont.

Okay, here's what I think is true:

  • Willie
  • William
  • Alfred


  • Willie
  • William
  • Alfred
  • Redmond
  • Romandy
  • Penny


*Willie, William, Alfred, and Romandy are not in the household. Willie married in 1847. Romandy married in 1849.

  • Penny
  • Redmond
  • Hillard
  • Hyman
  • Zilla


*Redmond is not in household...probably married

  • Penny
  • Hyman
  • Joseph H. (must be Hilliard)
  • Mahalia (Probably Zilla's middle name)
  • John Burt


*I thought before there were no children living in the house in 1870, but I checked again and I was wrong. Apparently, Lindsay Boone, who I think is the husband of Zilla Mahalia, is also living here with John and Zilla.

  • Zilla Mahalia - 23
  • John Burt - 18

**There is also a 16 yr old "Mary Daughtridge" living in the house. I do not know who this is at this time.

In conclusion:

I believe children of John and Zilla are:

  • Willie
  • William
  • Alfred
  • Romandy
  • Redmond
  • Penny
  • Hyman
  • Joseph Hilliard
  • Zilla Mahalia
  • John Burt

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Daughtridge children

I'm working on the Daughtridge children right now, that is, the children of John Daughtridge, Willie's brothers and sisters. But even with the census records, this hasn't been an easy task.

I found on the internet a list of the children of John and Zilla:

1. Willie - my ggg grandfather - 1826
2. William M. - 1828
3. Alfred - 1830
4. Amandy E. - 1832
5. Redmond - 1834
6. Penny Jane - 1836
7. John - 1842
8. Richard M. - 1843
9. J.E. - 1845
10. Zilla Elizabeth - 1848

Okay, so we've got 10 children. Then, while studying the census records, here's what I found:

1830 census:

1. Male child, age 1-5 - 1825-1830 (Willie)
2. Male child, age 1-5 - 1825-1830 William)
3. Male child, age 1-5 - 1825-1830 (Alfred)

1840 census:

1. Male child, age 10-15 - 1825-1830 (Willie)
2. Male child, age 10-15 - 1825-1830 (William)
3. Male child, age 5-10 - 1830-1835 (Alfred)
4. Male child, age 5-10 - 1830-1835 (Redmond)
5. Female child, age 5-10 - 1830-1835 (Romandy)
6. Female child, age 1-5 - 1825-1840 (Penny)

*Unknown male age 20-30 - farm labor? servant?

1850 census:

1. Penninah - 1839
2. Redmond - 1840
3. Hilliard - 1843
4. Hyman - 1844
5. Zilla - 1849

1860 census:

1. Penny - age 25 -1835

2. Hyman - age 18 -1842

3. Joseph H. - 15 -1845

4. Mahalia - age 13 -1847

5. John Burt - age 9 - 1851

1870 census:

No children living with John or Zilla.

So, what I seem to be having is a bit of conflict between names or dates. What I need to do is go through the list and figure out who is who and when they were born. I already know that Willie will NOT be in the 1850 census b/c he married Sophia in 1847. Same could be true for the other older siblings...perhaps they married out. I also need to be careful b/c not all children may be accounted for. Some could have perhaps died young, and some children may even be grandchildren.


The three children in 1830 are all male. They are most likely Willie, William, and Alfred, in that order.


There were 4 males and 2 females in 1840.

1. Willie age 14 (10-15)
2. William age 12 (10-15)
3. Alfred age 10 (5-10)
4. Amandy - age 8 (5-10)
5. Redmond - age 6 (5-10)
6. Penny Jane - age 4 (1-5)


*Willie - married, age 24, not in household,
*William, age 22, not in household. Is he married?
*Alfred, age 20, not in household. Is he married?

Children in household:

1. Penninah must be Penny, but which year of birth is correct, 1836 or 1839?
2. Redmond - born 1834 or 1840?!
3. Who is Hilliard?
4. Who is Hyman?
5. Zilla - 1848-49


1. Penny still lives in the household. I read that she never married.
2. Hyman
3. Joseph H. - could he be Hilliard? Joseph Hillard? J.H (and not J.E.?)
4. Who is Mahalia?
5. John Burt - born 1842 or 1851? Is this the same John from the 10 children??

**In conclusion...I'm still confused! :) I think I'm going to have to look into who Willie's brothers married and find out if any of these children that are living in the household are grandchildren, because having a child in 1826 and then one in 1851 is a big jump, but not impossible. Zilla would have been about 44 in 1851. I also need to find out for sure if John and Zilla had 10 children. The numbers aren't quite matching up unless one of them died or something.


Okay, just to add to the confusion, here's another list I found on rootsweb:

Wiley DAUGHTRIDGE b: 4 OCT 1826 in Of Nash County, North Carolina
William Maurice DAUGHTRIDGE b: 6 JAN 1828 in Edgecombe County, North Carolina
M. Alfred DAUGHTRIDGE b: 2 NOV 1830
Romandy E. DAUGHTRIDGE b: 4 JAN 1832 in Nash County, North Carolina
Redmond DAUGHTRIDGE b: 2 JAN 1834 in Edgecombe County, North Carolina
Peninah Jane DAUGHTRIDGE b: 18 MAY 1836
Richard Hyman DAUGHTRIDGE b: 3 JAN 1843 in Edgecombe County, North Carolina
Joseph Henry DAUGHTRIDGE b: 3 APR 1845 in Edgecombe County, North Carolina
Zillie Elizabeth Mahalia DAUGHTRIDGE b: 18 SEP 1848 in Edgecombe County, North Carolina
John Burton DAUGHTRIDGE b: 22 DEC 1852 in Edgecombe County, North Carolina this answers some of my questions. Richard's middle name was probably Hyman, and Amandy is Romandy. And apparently, Zilla is also Mahalia. But if Joseph's middle name is Henry, then who the heck is Hilliard??

Well, I'm too tired to study this anymore tonight. I'll review all of this later.

**2nd UPDATE - see above post