Saturday, December 8, 2007

Pridgen Family

This weekend, I think I'll be working on my Pridgen line. So far, I've done my best to identify all of the children and wives of John Hardy, and I've identified several children of Alexander and Phoebe.

Next up is Patrick Henry, Jesse, Drewery, and William Pridgen.

I was lucky enough to find a copy of Jesse, Drew, and Wm's wills on the genweb site. This will help me verify who their children were. I've also printed off some info from the internet that I'll use.

I think after I work on the Pridgen line, I'll go back to the Bone line and work some more. There's a really great book online that I found about the Bone family, and I think if I search it some more, I can find some very useful information about who the rest of the Bone children were.


Anonymous said...

you can find out about your Pridgen past on.. Pridge-Pages of the Past.

Hope that helps! My mom is a Pridgen. Ive been doing research also!

Melody said...

Hi, thanks for the link! :) I've bookmarked it! My grandmother was a Pridgen.

Tiff said...

Hi, Just checking back in to see if you have anything new..i found allot of stuff on my side of the pridgen's we have a ton of Jesse's on our side...if you ever want to chat about your pridgen side just let me know.. you can contact me easily on my blog...
chat with you later on! Good luck on your looking up the past! :)