Saturday, September 29, 2007

Johannah Sawyer (Norsworthy?)

So today, I'm researching one of my great grandmothers, and I couldn't tell you how many greats but I'm sure it's a lot!

First of all, I just love her name. I think it's so pretty :) It's not a name you hear everyday. Johannah.

So anyway, Johannah was the wife of John Biggs, and from what I understand, she and John married in England and then got on a ship and came to America and settled in Norfolk, VA.

Here's where it gets confusing. When I first put her name on my family tree at, her name came up as "Johannah Sawyer Norsworthy". But then when I was verifying who Ann Bigg's mother was, it just said "Johannah Sawyer".

From google searches, I've got two fathers for Johannah. A Tristram Norsworthy and a John Sawyer. So which one is it?!? And what's her last name? Where did Norsworthy come from? I'm leaning towards it being John, and that would make sense if he wanted to name his daughter after him. (John sounds like Johannah in a way) But I need to find out what this Norsworthy name came from.

Guess i've hit a brick wall, but at least I know that Johannah is the mother of Ann! :) And looks like I've got two more ancestors that are from England.

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