Sunday, September 30, 2007


Well I'm finally getting a chance to review that family video tape. Taking a little break from it now b/c it is rather long, but I've got a few more pictures to add to my tree!

I was able to find a picture of Rhoda Pridgen, William Burse Parker, Ada Davis, and a few of Burse and Ada's children. I was disappointed that there were no pictures of like the Daughtridge or Bone (except for della) families. It looks like the only pictures from grandma's side were john hardy and della bone. But i'm glad that i was able to get something.

I was also able to correct and verify some dates. I had the year of birth off one year for Burse and Ada, and I was able to get the actual birth/death dates (according to the video). I was right on the death dates. I also knew that my grandparents married on Dec. 7 but now I know it was in the year of 1930.

I think now that I have a face to these names, I really want to delve right in and start researching, and there's no reason why I can't. :) I do seem to be hitting a lot of brick walls on grandma's side and I've hardly done anything on grandpa's. And I want to get as much done before my subscription at runs out.

I think I'm most interested in finding out more about my great grandmother Ada. I still don't have the names of her parents. She's very beautiful in her picture. It's so nice to put a face with her name!

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