So I have a little project for the weekend. Mom lent me an old family video. Someone in the family put it together a long time ago and made copies for the family. It's a tape with a bunch of pictures/video mixed with music. It's really long too...over an hour I'm sure. The last time I saw it, I was a kid. And it was very detailed too...showing old photographs and the names of the family members, dates, etc.
Well I'm very excited about it...there are TONS of pictures! Mom took a few pictures with her cell phone camera of her parents and grandparents from the video, so I finally had some pictures of them to put on my family tree at :) Well I'm going to review it this weekend and hopefully I'll get some more pictures. Mom says she doesn't think there are a lot of pictures of the really old people, but I'm hopeful I'll find something.
We really need to get this tape put on dvd. I think soon I'll look into that. And plus, it'd be easier to snap pictures from it. :)
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Could/ would that video be "Frank & Elsie Parker Family Memories"? I have one VHS I made from the master and I made myself an extra one on DVD from the master. My father did this video, back in 1988 right after Frank & Elsie passed away. This one is more than an hour long, with photos at the beginning with music and moving video with family out at the home place. My sister & I went out to that home place a year ago and only the garage still stands. The rest is overgrown with trees. How sad. The grave of Della Bone is on the hill before you reach where the home place was. Her death date is wrong on her marker.
Yes, that's the video. I'm so glad your father put that video together! It's really great. I remember watching it as a little girl but at the time, I didn't really know who anybody was. Now that I've gotten interested into genealogy, it's been a great help. It's nice to see what some of these people looked like. I wish I could have gotten to spend more time with Grandma and Grandpa Parker but they passed away when I was only six years old. My mom and sister and I also went out there to the graves last year. It is sad that nothing much is left. Mom and I were talking about getting Della's grave marker corrected but the whole thing will need to be replaced and it would be at least $265 dollars, so it will have to wait for a while. But next time we're up in Nash county, we'll get some measurements of it. Do you have a user name at (You can sign up and make a family tree for free). If you do, I could invite you to the family tree I've been working on. Or if you have an email I could send you the link. I've been able to trace some of our family back to the 1700s. I had no idea our family had been in this country for so long. It's very interesting. :)
I left a comment a few days ago, but it seems to not have gone through! I didn't see where I had sent it so I must have forgotten to do something! Anyway, it would be nice to fix that grave marker for Great Grandma Della. I would love to see that entire piece of land come back into the family. I wish I could afford to make an offer on it. I am so afraid some business might buy it and turn it into a commercial park, or worse- a housing development. the Rocky Mount planning committee has already mentioned it as a possible commercial park. I sure hope they never get the chance to do that! Some of the best memories I have ever had were out at Grandma & Granddaddy Parker's home place. I'm sorry you had to miss a lot of it.
When you went out there last year, did you go inside the "Parkers Garage"? It still has "This is Ford Country" written on the wall! One of "The Boys" wrote that. That is what my sister & I called the Parker boys when we were little. We had a lot of fun hanging out with your mama- White Lake, and barning tobacco, the Beatles and all.
My email address is:
I don't have a user name for yet. I'm just warming up to all the research so I guess I had better get one! Sure is interesting to find out we go back to the 1700's! :)
Sorry to have shown up as "anonymous"!! I don't know how that happened! It should have been "Linda".
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