Friday, October 12, 2007

the address book!

I've been focusing on researching my mother's side of the family, and that's because I know more about my mom's side than my dad's side. But I've set up another tree on so I can start researching that side, and already, I found out who my great grandfather was! I can't wait to find out where this line leads me.

Oh, but to my point...I remembered today that I have this old address book. It used to be my dad's and my mom gave it to me several years ago. It still has my dad's writing in it. And you know what I found in the back of the book? My dad had written down his date of birth, where he was born, as well as my mom and all of his children, all of my mom's children, and me! And not only does he have that, but he lists several names of other family members and addresses, etc.

So THIS is where I get this from! How did my dad know that 26 years later, I would be using this very information? I think that's very cool :) Thanks Dad!!

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