Thursday, October 4, 2007

Josiah Parker

I can say that i'm 95% sure that Josiah Parker is the father of William H. Parker, who is W. Burse Parker's father.

I've got a record at ancestry that says that W. H. Parker's mother is a lady named Temperance. Well I found Temperance on the 1860 census along with her husband Josiah Parker. And William H. was listed as being 4 years old, which is right b/c i had his birth year as 1856.

It matches up! ;) So I'm putting down that those are the parents.

I still have to verify that Temperance's maiden name is Vick, but I assume it's correct b/c I've seen that surname pop up several times during my searches.

UPDATE: I just verified with another record that Vick is in fact, Temperance's surname. AND, looks like she is on the 1850 census and it lists Louis as her father! I'm on a roll tonight! :)

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