Tuesday, October 2, 2007


There's nothing to update!!

I know absolutely nothing more than I did yesterday! Maybe that's why I've had such a headache today...I'm getting tired of hitting the brick wall.

I made some posts on the boards at ancestry in hopes of getting a response. I really am trying to work through my goals. But I'm not going to get my hopes up b/c the first post i made was like a month and a half ago and it's gotten zero replies :'( (that's my really sad face)

I was bored the other night so I searched around for other genealogy blogs on blogger, just for curiosity. I think it's funny how a lot of them use this same template. It's like the perfect template! :) It looks all old timey and stuff. I'm really glad I set up this blog. Not only does it help me with my research, but it also keeps me organized. I love having my ahnentafel on the side. And a list of my goals really does keep me focused.

Wow, can you see how deperate I am? I'm talking about blogger's templates b/c I have nothing else to blog about! Guess it's time to move on to another line. Although I really wish I could figure out this Cobb line b/c if I can connect Dawson to Edward, then I can trace my line to Isle of Wight and then eventually...HOLLAND! :D

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