Friday, November 16, 2007

Organizing my research

I'm trying to figure out the best way to organize all of my genealogy research. For a while now, I've been using the hanging file folder system. It actually works pretty well because I know where to find something when i'm looking for it, and I know just where to put it whenever I get something new. I organize by surname.

Problem is that this method of organization isn't mobile. So I've started a notebook. I'd really like to take my research with me in case I go to the library or if i'm meeting with family. And I need a way to show off my research.

I just now need some kind of labels. I want to organize the same way i organize with the hanging file folders, by surname. I just need those colored tabs or something. I also put everything in plastic sleeves (I had a TON from old school projects laying around the apartment). I think it makes for better page turning if they are in something protected.

But do i organize so that i can find all family members easily? I've got pedigree charts printed out, but what about the children? It's like there are so many people in my family tree that I don't have room for them all. I want a way to be able to identify all children/siblings easily. I might have to work on family charts, or write down names in the charts.

Well, i'll keep working on it!

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