Wednesday, November 7, 2007

still no luck on Sophia :(

I posted a message on the Braswell board about Sophia. And looks like I posted just in time b/c i think the boards are down now. (Which is too bad b/c i really wanted to post something about Annice too but I guess that will have to wait)

If there's one goal I'd really like to cross off my list, it's finding out for sure who Sophia's father is. I guess since I've started reseaching, this ggg grandmother of mine is who I've been most interested in. She was the first one that I really got some info about. I remember I went from knowing that Susan's mother was named "Sophia" and from that, I found out that she married Willie, but I still didn't know her maiden name until one day I stumbled on it. I just want to know more and it's killing me that I keep hitting this brick wall.

I think if I could meet one of my ancestors, I'd like to meet her. She must have been a strong lady. Had a ton of kids, lost her husband in the war, took over the farm...what a life.

I think I'd also like to meet my great grandmother Ada. She's one of the few ancestors that I actually have pictures of. I love being able to put a face to a name and I wish I could do that for all of them. Although I do in my mind, I have this picture in my mind of what I think they could look like. But yeah, I'd like to meet Grandma Ada too. She's the only grandparent that my mother ever knew. She lived quite a long life too.

Well anyway, I guess I'll just have to wait and see if I can find out this mystery. I'd really like to find out where this line of Braswells come from.

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