Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Where is the Bone family in 1870?

This is strange. I can't seem to find Neverson Bone or his father, Philemon Bone, in the 1870 census. I've been searching for a while now but I tried again last night. Nothing comes up.

I tried spelling the last name wrong, I tried doing a search by just the first name, just the middle name, nickname, initials, and still, nothing.

I'd really like to find this family because Neverson didn't marry Susan until 1872, so I assume he was still living at home. And where are the other Bone children? Can't find them either (except I did find Richard Bone but he was not living at home) Of course, there was a Philemon BOON, and i thought that could be him but turns out, it's not.

So then I figure...well maybe this is going to be like it was with the Parkers. I couldn't find them in the 1930 census because somebody forgot to index them. So I thought maybe I had to do a manual search. Their last residence was in Coopers, so naturally, I tried to find that part of the census to look at. But apparently, Coopers township isn't even listed! It's as if the part of the census was completely missed. Which could explain why I've had such a hard time finding anybody in 1870. And it's too bad too because I really wanted to find out who all was living in their household.

Another strange thing about Philemon...found him in 1880 census but according to some other record i found someplace else, he died in 1879. Hmm...but I'm sure it has to be him. I think it was listed as P B Bone and Ada Bone.

Well, guess i'll have to look into this at another time.

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