Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Della Bone's tombstone

Last year, my mom took my sister and I to visit the family cemeteries in Nash County. When we came upon my great grandmother Della's gravestone, mom told us that the year of death on it was wrong. It says she died in 1901 but this is NOT true. She died in 1911, within a week of her father's death.

Mom expressed an interest in getting this error fixed, and I share this. I really would like Grandma Della to have a proper headstone. I mean...it's just out of respect, you know? And no one in the family has ever had it corrected. And now that it's gone for so many years with her year of death being 1901, I've even started to see it on the internet. People make their family trees and do their research, but they put down that she died in 1901 and this is just not right. If they would look into the issue a little bit, they would realize that Della had two children, john hardy jr in 1909 and my grandmother, mary elsie, in 1911. She couldn't have had them if she had died in 1901. So obviously its not right.

So anyway, the point is...we're planning on fixing it. But the problem is that we can't just get one number corrected. We have to get the whole thing replaced, and that's going to cost at least $265. A bit pricey. I think i'm starting to understand why it was never corrected before.

But we still want to do it. Next time we go to Nash we're going to take a picture of it and get some measurements. We owe it to grandma Della. I wouldn't want my tombstone to be incorrect either.


Unknown said...

Hey. My mother is the youngest daughter of John Hardy and Bertha Pridgen, Dianne. She would like to know more about Della Bone and the Pridgen family family. She says that Della passed away when her father was just a baby. I really don't know much about the Pridgen family, so any information would be great.
I hope to hear from you.

Melody said...

Hi Jamie,

Sorry it took me a while to reply to your comment! I mentioned your post to my mother and she says she knows who you are. Her name is Anita. I think she said you and your mother were at Jean's funeral? Anyway, here is what I know about Della Bone. I know that she died when her children were still young. Mom said she had "heart dropsy" which is I guess some sort of heart failure. She had been fine one day but then suddenly without warning, she collapsed. But I think she had good days and bad days in regards to her health. It's all very sad to think of her dying so young and when her children were so little.

I have a picture of some Pridgen family members taken from a video. John Hardy Pridgen is in that picture. It's not very good quality but it's all I have at the moment. I also have one picture of Della Bone. I'm going to try to put this video on my computer so maybe then I will get better quality pictures. I'd be happy to email them to you if you'll give me your email address. Or you can email me at melody81@gmail.com. :)