Friday, October 26, 2007

Phoebe Eason's mother

Tonight I literally stumbled on a little discovery. I was searching through the 1850 census records for Alexander E. Pridgen because I found him in 1860, but wasn't sure where he was in 1850. Well I did a search for Pridgen and was viewing the records that came up. And as I did, I found her name.

Annis Eason.

Annis Eason! This is Phoebe's mother! Well, maybe. I'll say i'm like 95% sure. Of course, Phoebe was listed as well since she was living in the household, and this is how I knew she had to be her mother. The age for Phoebe matched what I had. Born about 1831 which would make her 19 yrs old at the time.

I know why I couldn't find Phoebe before when I searched. They spelled Eason wrong, and Phoebe as well. They spelled it "Phebe Earon". Just like the other day when they spelled Pridgen with a B, one letter really does make a difference. But when you look at the record, it clearly says Eason. The transcriber just screwed up.

I'm very glad to have found this information. Just one more piece in the puzzle. And the funny thing is that I've actually suspected Annis before. (sometimes spelled Annice) I've seen her name in the bastardy bonds as having children that are illegitimate. There is one for 1831...could the guy listed beside an Annice Eason be Phoebe's father? I'm not sure. That's a question that will be researched later. But for now, I think I can find out a lot about Annice. She had a few more children, so sometimes if you reseach them, you can find out more info as well.

Now I get to add Annis (I'm not sure how to spell it yet!) to my tree! :)

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Found John Hardy and my grandma in 1930

Now I know why I couldn't find my grandmother and great grandfather in the 1930 census. They've got his name down as John BRIDGEN!

One letter off really makes a difference. I managed to find this record the same way I found Ada. Just did a search using first name only. No luck with John but I tried Elsie. Sure enough, Elsie Bridgen appeared. I knew she had to be living in Coopers and I couldn't figure out why I couldn't find it. But now i know.

YAY! And now I can figured out the rest of John Hardy's children! :)

Monday, October 22, 2007

I think I found Ada in 1900!

I've been racking my brain and pulling my hair out trying to find my great grandmother in the 1900 census.

Well after repeated search attempts and a lot of frustration, I FOUND HER!!

Okay, not 100% positive but I'll say a good 95%!

I found an "Ada Baker" living in 1900, Coopers Township, Nash County. Her age is listed as 13 (and this would be correct at the time), birthday, Oct 1886.

As to why her last name is Baker...there's a simple explanation. Her relationship to the head of the house, who is Elijah Baker, is STEPDAUGHTER!

AND...her mother? MORNING! And Morning's year of birth matches what I had...1857. Morning was spelled wrong though, it was spelled "Moming" which explains why I couldn't find her before either. I've also found a record for Morning H. being the wife of Elijah. (Note her middle initial is H) It's got to be the same one as Morning H Davis!

The last census we saw Morning in was 1880, but a lot could have changed in 20 years. I figure Joel died and Morning remarried. Simple as that.

YAY! This is GREAT NEWS! And how appropriate I find out this info on Oct. 22, which happens to be Ada's birthday! :) Happy Birthday, Grandma Ada!

Found Parker family in 1930 census!

If you go to's 1930 census search page and do a search for William B Parker and Ada Parker, or any of the other Parker family members, you will not find them. But when i went through the census page by page, like all 40 or so of them, guess what? I found them.

I think for some reason, they didn't get indexed by the site. I mean, an exact search should find them. They're right there! I know they are in the census b/c i saw it with my own eyes. I saved that page. I don't want to lose it again.

But now to the point of this post. I've been having trouble finding other family members in the census. For one, I can't find John Hardy or my grandma in the 1930 census (and she should be living with him since she got married later in the year). Of course, I only searched Coopers so maybe they lived in a different township. I also cannot find Ada and her family in the 1900 census. I searched Coopers last night but turned up no Davis family of mine, so I'll have to search another township.

I'm starting to wonder how many other ancestors I can't find when I do a search are actually there but the person indexing the names forgot them. I was really surprised to see my family there in 1930 and seeing no record of them in the search.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

And the mother is...


I'm very excited! I can finally take one of my goals off the list. I found out who the mother of John Hardy is. It's funny b/c the answer was so obvious, right in front of my face.

To Recap...

A while back, I had stumbled across a census record with Alex Pridgen and his wife, Cleta N. Well one of their sons was a "hardy" and this made me wonder if Phoebe was really John's mother after all.

Well everything that I had pointed to Phoebe being his mother, but this census record really threw me off, and there's even a record that says Cleta is Hardy's mother.

Today, I decided to research all of John Hardy's children and wives, and as it turns out, the 1900 census is very revealing. It lists a "Phoeley Pridgen" (obviously someone butchered her name) and guess what her relationship is to the head of the house? MOTHER! This tells me that Cleta can't be his mother, b/c number one, if she was, Phoebe would have been dead by now (since I assumed before the possibility that Phoebe died and Alex remarried). Number 2, the census lists her as his mother, and there's no reason to assume she's not. If she wasn't, why would she be living with him anyway?

This also answers another question I had. When Phoebe died. I still don't know the exact year but it had to be sometime after 1900 and possibly before 1910.

I still have no clue who this Cleta N. is. Perhaps I pulled up the wrong record? After all, I did find it a bit odd that it listed him as "Hardy" but I know he went by "John Hardy". Hmm, so maybe it's a different one?

Who knows. For now...I have my questioned answered. Phoebe is John Hardy's mother. Now as for Phoebe's parents...that I still don't know.

Oh, and one more thing I found out today. Guess why I couldn't find Della in the 1910 census? They have her named as Dillot! That's crazy. I looked at the record and it looks like they tried to spell Della "Dellah" but whoever transcribed it thought the E was an I and the A was an O and the H was a T, and it does kind of look that way.

Now I found John Hardy in the 1900, 1910, and 1920 census. Why can't I find him in the 1930? Maybe his name was butchered too.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

too many Edward Cobbs!

Someone replied to my post on the message board about Dawson and Edward Cobb. She said there were two Cobb families in Edgecombe and Pitt Co. and they were related. Well sure enough, I pull up the 1790 census/tax lists and there's and Edward Cobb in Pitt, and an Edward Cobb in Edgecombe.

Too many Edward Cobbs!!! This is looking more and more like the Winstead line.

So now i'm wondering if the Edward Cobb I've been researching is really the one from Pitt. I think i'm decended from the one in Edgecombe.

The lady on the board also gave me some additional children. Researching them could help. I'll have to sort all of this out later. Right now, it's just all too confusing (and it's too early in the morning to think about this ;) )

Friday, October 19, 2007

Back to Ada

I decided to start back with my research for Ada again. I can't understand why, but I cannot find her in the 1900 census! It's the strangest thing!

I've searched every Davis in Coopers Township, then every Davis in the entire Nash county. Many Davis, but my Ada nowhere to be found. I'm starting to wonder if the census taker missed her family.

Of course, I tried the tricks. I searched by initials only. Nothing. I searched in the neighboring county Edgecombe. Nothing. I looked for the neighbors and tried to see if they were on the same page. Nothing.

And here's the main problem. Everything I have listed says she was born in 1886. Now there is a possibility she was born before that (There's a one year old Ida in the 1880 census) but until then, I have no proof. So the main problem is that the first census I have to go on to find the Davis family is 1880. And then the one that I really need, the 1890 census, was BURNED! So then, i turn to the 1900 census. Maybe they moved b/c i can't find a record of them.

But here's the other thing...Ada married Wm. Burse just a few years later because in 1906 (I think, or is it 1907?) they had my great aunt Bertha. And if they weren't living in Nash County in 1900, how did my great grandparents meet?

How can I prove Joel and Mourning are Ada's parents if I can't find her with them in the census?

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

too many winsteads!

Samuel, Daniel, and Elizabeth must have been popular names in the Winstead family b/c there sure are a lot of them! Like a dozen of them.

And the Winstead boys must have been popular with the ladies as it appears there may have been more than one marriage.

It sure it hard to research when there are multiple names and not a lot of records. I can barely keep them straight. I think i'm going to have to print out a pedigree chart and try to sort this thing out.

The thing is...I've found a ton of information, but I don't know what's accurate. No sites seem to list their sources. And the ones on aren't much help b/c how can i be sure it's the right Samuel, or the right Daniel?

But if I can verify this line, then I know it's going to take me to England again. I think the head of this family (as far back as the research goes) is a John Winstone (note the spelling change). He was born in I think Yapton, England and married a Johane Skerrels. But that's if I can verify the line with some sort of documatation, and at the present time, I have none. I think that the last Samuel in my tree, his father is Daniel, but that's as far as I've gotten.

I love genealogy but sometimes, I wish the research was a little more easier.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007


More verified ancestors:

Elizabeth Winstead's father was Joseph. His father was Samuel. Samuel was a jr. and his father was named Samuel too.

I have conflicting info on the mothers/wives of these individuals which will require more research.

I have hope that I will find out where this line originates. If correct, there's a Daniel Winstead in there somewhere and I wonder where he is from.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Redoing my tree

I've spent the weekend redoing my tree. I had two trees at ancestry, one from grandma and one for grandpa. I don't know why I split it up. I guess at the time I was finding out more stuff about grandma and nothing on grandpa so I did it to make it easier to navigate.

Anyway, decided that I want to make a tree for me. I want my whole family on there, and plus, to make it easier on me so I just have one tree to work on. So I've spent time transferring people and sources. It's a pain! Still not finished, and I still haven't transferred all of the children (my great aunts and uncles) but that will have to wait. I've also got more pictures up there so my tree looks real nice.

I've been toying around with the idea of making one of those books from ancestry for my grandparents when I get finished with all of my research, but I couldn't find anywhere on the site how much it costs to do that. If it's ike 100 bucks, I can forget it. I can just make a website for free! Kind of like the dna thing...they suck you in and then I saw the price of the test was $179! Forget it! I already have an idea of where my family comes from.

Well...back to my tree!

Friday, October 12, 2007

the address book!

I've been focusing on researching my mother's side of the family, and that's because I know more about my mom's side than my dad's side. But I've set up another tree on so I can start researching that side, and already, I found out who my great grandfather was! I can't wait to find out where this line leads me.

Oh, but to my point...I remembered today that I have this old address book. It used to be my dad's and my mom gave it to me several years ago. It still has my dad's writing in it. And you know what I found in the back of the book? My dad had written down his date of birth, where he was born, as well as my mom and all of his children, all of my mom's children, and me! And not only does he have that, but he lists several names of other family members and addresses, etc.

So THIS is where I get this from! How did my dad know that 26 years later, I would be using this very information? I think that's very cool :) Thanks Dad!!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Well now I'm not so sure about Josiah Parker. It's disappointing, but wow, it would be so cool to be related to a guy like that.

The reason i'm unsure is b/c i read that he only had one child, a daughter. Now her daughter did have a son named Josiah, and he actually took on his grandfather's last name due to his grandfather's will (so he could inherit) and so he actually became Josiah Cowper Parker.

Now I don't know if I have any relation to this Josiah or not.

In other Parker news, I still have not made a connection to the second Josiah (who married Jennett Hatthaway) to Solomon Dawson Parker. And I've not been able to confirm that Solomon's daddy was Josiah.

So more reseach for me. Better start back at Josiah II, b/c it does appear that he had a son named Josiah (the one who married Temperance)

Wow...lots of Josiahs!

Monday, October 8, 2007

Josiah Parker (I) - Revolutionary War Hero!


I haven't been able to really verify this info myself, but if it's true, then I am very excited!

It's very possible that I have a great grandfather (sixth to be exact) that was a Rev. War Hero!!

I mean this guy is so famous that he's on Wikipedia! Seriously! And apparently he knew George Washington and he's portrayed in some painting with them crossing the river in a boat. And then he served in the first continental congress.

This is so cool! I'm definitely going to do more research, but it's very possible this is true...he's from Isle of Wight and it appears I have a lot of family from there. It's like they came from England and they all seemed to settle in that area.

Well...back to researching :) You know, history is fun when you can relate to it!

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Bone Family - connected to both grandparents!

I made a little discovery last night. I was researching Temperance Vick, and I found out that the name of her mother is Nancy Bone. So I got to looking into it a little more, and I discovered that her father is John "Jack" Nelson Bone!

So this means that John Bone is connected not just to my grandma's side, but grandpa's as well. I did a little more searching, and it looks like this:

John "Jack" Bone and Elizabeth Winstead had several children, and two of those children were Nancy and Willie

Nancy's daughter is Temperance. Temperance's son is William H. Parker. Wm H's son is Wm. Burse. And Wm. Burse is the father of Wm. Frank, my grandfather.

Willie Bone's son is Philamon. Philmon's son is Neverson. Neverson's daughter is Della. And Della is the mother of Elsie, my grandmother.

So if I've got this right, then it appears that my grandparents both shared the same great, great, great grandfather, John "Jack" Bone, and the same great, great, great grandmother, Elizabeth Winstead.

Wow! We are all related in so many ways ;) This is an advantage to me b/c that means less research! lol

Friday, October 5, 2007

Ada Davis - updates and corrections

Well it turns out that we were wrong. Ada's parents are NOT Oscar and Laura.

I had been wondering how Ada and William had met with her being in Brunswick and him being in Nash Co. That's quite a long trip back in the day of horse and carriages.

BUT, I am not back to square one...this time I have the names of Joel Davis and Morning Parker. And this could be it b/c I do remember my mom saying something about a person named "Morning" (Morning Glory?)

Anyway, I will research all of this tonight, but again, Oscar and Laura are NOT Ada's parents!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Josiah Parker

I can say that i'm 95% sure that Josiah Parker is the father of William H. Parker, who is W. Burse Parker's father.

I've got a record at ancestry that says that W. H. Parker's mother is a lady named Temperance. Well I found Temperance on the 1860 census along with her husband Josiah Parker. And William H. was listed as being 4 years old, which is right b/c i had his birth year as 1856.

It matches up! ;) So I'm putting down that those are the parents.

I still have to verify that Temperance's maiden name is Vick, but I assume it's correct b/c I've seen that surname pop up several times during my searches.

UPDATE: I just verified with another record that Vick is in fact, Temperance's surname. AND, looks like she is on the 1850 census and it lists Louis as her father! I'm on a roll tonight! :)

Wednesday, October 3, 2007


*EDIT: I found out Ada's parents are NOT Oscar and Laura after all. They are Joel Davis and Mourning Parker...see updated post

The most amazing thing has happened! This morning when I checked my email, I saw that someone had made a reply to one of my posts that I had made last night. Well that was a total shocker, b/c I really hadn't expected to get any responses, at least not the next day.

I found out who Ada's parents are!! :)

I got a response from a really nice lady who said that she believes Ada's parents are Oscar F. Davis and Laura E. (maiden name unknown). Also, Ada's name is actually her middle name. Her full name is Laura Ada Davis! This explains why NOTHING would come up when I did an exact search for "Ada Davis". Well, actually that's not true. I did find a few Ada Davises but one was 3 years old in 1900 and the other was black so it was impossible for it to be either one of them.

But I checked out Laura Ada and did a search for it on ancestry. Sure enough, I found her in the 1900 census living in Brunswick County! And the age was right, b/c she had to be 14 in 1900, and her birth month of Oct. matched too.

I'm very, very excited about this lead! I've been searching on and off for weeks trying to find info on Ada, and I had practically given up on it. But I remember telling myself when I was so frustrated was to just make a post, maybe something will pop up, and move on to someone else. Well i'm really glad I made that post. And I'm glad someone responded :) The lady who replied to my message also said she had some info on Phoebe Eason....can't believe it...2 for one! So I emailed her and i'm waiting to hear back on what additional information she has about her.

I guess this means I'm going to have to update my ahnentafel and goals ;)

Tuesday, October 2, 2007


There's nothing to update!!

I know absolutely nothing more than I did yesterday! Maybe that's why I've had such a headache today...I'm getting tired of hitting the brick wall.

I made some posts on the boards at ancestry in hopes of getting a response. I really am trying to work through my goals. But I'm not going to get my hopes up b/c the first post i made was like a month and a half ago and it's gotten zero replies :'( (that's my really sad face)

I was bored the other night so I searched around for other genealogy blogs on blogger, just for curiosity. I think it's funny how a lot of them use this same template. It's like the perfect template! :) It looks all old timey and stuff. I'm really glad I set up this blog. Not only does it help me with my research, but it also keeps me organized. I love having my ahnentafel on the side. And a list of my goals really does keep me focused.

Wow, can you see how deperate I am? I'm talking about blogger's templates b/c I have nothing else to blog about! Guess it's time to move on to another line. Although I really wish I could figure out this Cobb line b/c if I can connect Dawson to Edward, then I can trace my line to Isle of Wight and then eventually...HOLLAND! :D

Monday, October 1, 2007

Cobb Family

Well I'm giving up on least for now. I must have searched all day yesterday but I still could not find any information about her parents. Maybe something will turn up, but for now, I'm going to move on to something else.

So I decided to start researching my Cobb line. I know we're related to the Cobbs. When I first showed my mom the family tree I've been working on, she mentioned that she knew we were related to them somehow.

So the first Cobb I have is Zilla (sometimes spelled as Zella, Zillie, or Zela). She's Willie's mother and wife of John Daughtridge. Now I had down that her father was Dawson Cobb. I haven't been able to find exact "proof" of a relationship. pulls up nothing that I can find. But all of the family trees on rootsweb and online agree that Dawson is her father. I also did a search on the latter day saints website,, and that pulled up a record of Dawson being her father. I think i'm reasonably certain that he is her father. And it's not like Zilla is a common name, and neither is dawson, so how many could their be?

But here's where it starts to get tricky. I thought this line would be easy, but as I can already see, finding info on Dawson was a little hard and finding info on Zilla was harder considering all of the different spellings of her name. Well now I'm looking for Dawson's father, which I have listed as Edward Cobb. I don't know if this is right.

According to several rootsweb trees, Edward Cobb (and I believe it's the IV Cobb, as there are MANY Edward Cobbs in this line) is the father of Dawson.

BUT...ran across Edward Cobb's will from 1817, and guess what? He doesn't list Dawson as his son! So what does that mean? And it's not like Dawson would have been a little baby in 1817, b/c i've got his birth year listed as 1780, and Zilla was born about 1805.

I wonder if it's possible that there is another Edward Cobb that's his father. Wouldn't surprise me considering how many Edward Cobbs there are. And i'm surprised that i am not able to find any more info on's not a common name like Edward so you'd think I'd find something. Nope.

Well, I'll keep researching. Maybe something will turn up!