Monday, October 1, 2007

Cobb Family

Well I'm giving up on least for now. I must have searched all day yesterday but I still could not find any information about her parents. Maybe something will turn up, but for now, I'm going to move on to something else.

So I decided to start researching my Cobb line. I know we're related to the Cobbs. When I first showed my mom the family tree I've been working on, she mentioned that she knew we were related to them somehow.

So the first Cobb I have is Zilla (sometimes spelled as Zella, Zillie, or Zela). She's Willie's mother and wife of John Daughtridge. Now I had down that her father was Dawson Cobb. I haven't been able to find exact "proof" of a relationship. pulls up nothing that I can find. But all of the family trees on rootsweb and online agree that Dawson is her father. I also did a search on the latter day saints website,, and that pulled up a record of Dawson being her father. I think i'm reasonably certain that he is her father. And it's not like Zilla is a common name, and neither is dawson, so how many could their be?

But here's where it starts to get tricky. I thought this line would be easy, but as I can already see, finding info on Dawson was a little hard and finding info on Zilla was harder considering all of the different spellings of her name. Well now I'm looking for Dawson's father, which I have listed as Edward Cobb. I don't know if this is right.

According to several rootsweb trees, Edward Cobb (and I believe it's the IV Cobb, as there are MANY Edward Cobbs in this line) is the father of Dawson.

BUT...ran across Edward Cobb's will from 1817, and guess what? He doesn't list Dawson as his son! So what does that mean? And it's not like Dawson would have been a little baby in 1817, b/c i've got his birth year listed as 1780, and Zilla was born about 1805.

I wonder if it's possible that there is another Edward Cobb that's his father. Wouldn't surprise me considering how many Edward Cobbs there are. And i'm surprised that i am not able to find any more info on's not a common name like Edward so you'd think I'd find something. Nope.

Well, I'll keep researching. Maybe something will turn up!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dawson's name was on the marriage bond for Zillah and John Daughtridge, so it is assumed he is her father. I don't think anyone has any proof of Dawson's parentage. If he came from Pitt Co. NC the records were mostly destroyed. Zillah and John lived in Nash Co. NC. Zillah may be a nickname for "Priscilla."

Joan Wallace